What state may continue with the Affordable Connectivity Program? Check availability

Every individual deserves access to affordable, reliable, and high-speed internet. Understanding this need, the Federal Communications Commission introduced the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) to ensure universal broadband connectivity. It’s a noteworthy question to pose, « What state may continue with the Affordable Connectivity Program? » This article will endeavour to answer this question and provide insights on the ACP’s availability across states.

What is the Affordable Connectivity Program?

The Affordable Connectivity Program is a recent initiative aiming to make broadband services more accessible for low-income households. Subscribers under this program can avail a reduction of up to $30 to $75 per month on their internet bill, with the exact discount varying based on the cost of living.

Which States May Continue the ACA?

As per the FCC’s guidelines, every state in the United States is eligible to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program. However, the participation and continuation of the program depend on the collaboration between internet service providers and local government authorities.

Involvement of Internet Service Providers

Internet service providers play a pivotal role in implementing the ACP. Companies like AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon have joined forces with the FCC to provide affordable internet services in multiple states. Other regional internet service providers are also crucial in ensuring the ACA’s reach to remote and rural areas.

Role of Local Government Authorities

State authorities must work closely with these providers to successfully implement and sustain the Affordable Connectivity Program. State officials are responsible for spreading awareness about the program, processing applications, and ensuring an overall smooth execution of ACA provisions.

How to Check ACP Availability?

For checking the availability of the ACP in your state, you can visit the official website of the FCC or your internet service provider. These websites often have dedicated pages for all their programs, including the Affordable Connectivity Program.

What Is the Difference Between the Affordable Connectivity Program and the Emergency Broadband Benefit?

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) differ in several key aspects:

  1. Longevity: The ACP is a long-term program created by Congress with $14 billion in funding, replacing the EBB program, which was a temporary initiative.
  2. Funding: The ACP has a substantial budget of $14 billion, providing up to $30 per month in subsidies to 17 million households, while the EBB had a different funding structure and duration.
  3. Eligibility Criteria: Although both programs aimed to assist households struggling with internet affordability, the ACP may have slightly different eligibility requirements compared to the EBB, ensuring that specific households can benefit from the new program.
  4. Awareness and Participation: The ACP faced challenges in terms of awareness and participation, with less than a third of eligible households currently enrolled, prompting efforts by the FCC, local governments, and digital equity groups to improve awareness and participation rates.

These differences highlight the evolution from a temporary emergency program like the EBB to a more sustainable and long-term solution in the form of the ACP, with a focus on addressing internet affordability for eligible households in the long run.

What Is the Difference in Eligibility Requirements Between the Affordable Connectivity Program and the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program?

The eligibility requirements for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) program differ in the following ways:

  1. Income Threshold:
    • ACP: Eligible households for the ACP must have an income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
    • EBB: In contrast, the EBB program required households to have an income at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines or participate in specific assistance programs like SNAP, Medicaid, or Lifeline.
  2. Additional Qualifications:
    • ACP: The ACP introduced new ways to qualify, such as receiving WIC benefits, in addition to the income threshold requirement.
    • EBB: The EBB program allowed eligibility for households that experienced a substantial loss of income due to job loss or furlough since February 29, 2020, with specific income limits for single and joint filers.
  3. Program Transition:
    • ACP: The ACP replaced the EBB program on December 31, 2021, with adjusted eligibility criteria and benefit amounts.
    • EBB: The EBB program was a temporary emergency initiative developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and was replaced by the ACP, a longer-term program with different eligibility criteria and benefits.

These differences in eligibility requirements highlight the evolution from a temporary emergency program like the EBB to a more sustainable and long-term solution in the form of the ACP, with adjustments in income thresholds and additional qualifying criteria.


With an understanding of « What state may continue with the Affordable Connectivity Program, » it’s apparent that every American state can take part in this initiative. The longevity and success of this program will depend on the joint efforts of internet service providers and local government authorities. So, checking the availability of ACP in your area can be the first step towards securing affordable internet services.


What are the benefits of the Affordable Connectivity Program?

The Affordable Connectivity Program is designed to provide affordable and reliable internet to low-income households. This includes discounts on monthly internet bills and potential subsidies for purchasing a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet.

How can I apply for the ACP?

Applications for the ACP can be made online via the FCC’s website or through a participating internet service provider’s website.

Who qualifies for the Affordable Connectivity Program?

The ACP is designed for low-income households. Eligibility is predicated on various factors, including participation in certain assistance programs like SNAP, Medicaid, or Lifeline, as well as income levels.

In conclusion, take the time to understand the Affordable Connectivity Program and check its availability in your state. Affordable and accessible internet is not a luxury, but a necessity, and initiatives like the ACP take us closer to achieving this goal.

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