Fasshreem.com was created to provide its users with an easy way to access information about various government benefits and assistance programs. By categorizing the listed programs by state, we also assist our users in locating other benefit programs that they may be eligible for. Due to the number of available programs, and the legislation in each state that affects these programs, this information has historically been hard to find. Our mission is to reduce the difficulty in accessing important information about each program and help streamline their application process.
At Fashreem.com our users can choose a program, find specific information about that program, determine if they are eligible for the program, and be shown the various ways available to apply for each program. Fashreem.com funds its efforts to increase awareness about available government benefits programs by providing optional, relevant advertising and offers on this website. All offers are optional and may be ignored or skipped.
By providing a single website to access all of this information, Fashreem.com allows people to make good decisions for themselves and their families.
Fashreem.com is not a government website or a government agency. You typically must work directly with the government to qualify for your program or benefits. This website and its contents are for informational purposes only. We do not claim responsibility for its accuracy.